CSR Support

Plaksha is eligible to receive CSR funding. All CSR contributions to Plaksha have to be made toward Reimagining Higher Education Foundation (RHEF), which is Plaksha’s sponsoring body.

RHEF is a not-for-profit, Section 8 Company, incorporated on March 6, 2017 in New Delhi, India. It is registered under Section 80G and 12AA of the India Income Tax Act 1961.

RHEF has an established record of undertaking programs, projects, and activities pertaining to promotion of education in India, spanning across three years. Therefore, the foundation is eligible under Proviso to Rule 4(2) of the Companies Rules, 2014 (CSR Rules) to receive CSR contributions from companies.

Our diverse corporate partners support different activities based on their CSR objectives, including:

  • Promoting accessibility and inclusivity in campus design
  • Offering need-based scholarships for students
  • Building research labs and centers that focus on solving problems with high social impact
  • Building infrastructure
  • Rolling-out academic programs

All donations within India get a 50% tax benefit under Section 80G

Individual support

Individual contributions to Plaksha can be made through Reimagining Higher Education Foundation (RHEF), Plaksha’s sponsoring body. This is a not-for-profit, Section 8 Company, incorporated on March 6, 2017 in New Delhi, India. It is registered under Section 80G and 12AA of the India Income Tax Act 1961.

Contributions made toward the University are used as general unrestricted funds across various facets of building the University or may be designated toward a cause that the donor identifies with.

All donations within India (from individuals and corporations) get a 50% tax benefit under Section 80G. Indian passport holders, residing outside India, can make donations through their NRO account to avail the tax benefit on the income earned in India.

Alumni & faculty giving

Gifts from alumni, parents, and faculty help in sustaining and enhancing the University’s distinctive academic programs and assist in bringing together students of all age groups.